3-A / Sneezy The Snowman

Storytelling in the most useful and enjoyable way of learning a language.
3rd graders learn and act the story of " Sneezy the Snowman"

Çimlenme Deneyi

ilkokul laboratuvar dersinde çimlenme deneyi yaptık.

4.Sınıflar / Jobs

We have practiced the names of the jobs by singing songs.We had a great time:)

Fish Fin Words

Primary School students of Caner Özen College have studied new words on the fish fin:)
With these new words they have studied writing, speaking and grammar.

3-A / Madde Deneyi

3A Sınıfi "madde"konusu ile ilgili deney yaptı.deney çocukların çok ilgisini çekti...